
Grab John

The bucket with a "thumb grip"!

Gripping power

Today's excavators are extremely mobile and have the power to dig, lift and crush. However, they lack one important function - GRIPPING POWER. The perfect supplement to the Grab John bucket, the grab can be used at any time and when retracted does not impede normal excavator work.


The modern way of constructing overhead line systems

The powerful clamping action enables you to grab, lift, turn, set down and handle heavy and unwieldy items - all from inside the cab. Chains are no longer required. Grab John is the perfect problem solver. The Grab John buckets are equipped with integrated hose break valves to guarantee maximum safety. These valves have a shock function to protect the fingers against overloading. The Grab John method for mechanized pole planting is the modern and rational way of constructing overhead line systems. All coupling manoeuvres are performed hydraulically from the operator's cab.

• Efficient handling, giving a productivity increase of 15-50 % compared to convential methods.
• Increased safety and controlled lifts, no manual coupling of straps and chains. 
• Improved end result due to effective refilling and packing at the pole base.

Grab John poleplanting buckets are available in three models. GJ-1A is the smaller model suitable for wooden poles up to 12-13 m. GJ-15 is bigger and perfect for handling of rigged electricity poles up to ca 15-16 m. GJ-15 has a higher poleerecting capacity of ca 65% compared to GJ-1A. GJ-5 is even bigger and perfect for handling of rigged electricity poles up to about 22 m.


Technical data

Model GJ 1A GJ 1B GJ 15 GJ 5
Width (mm) 620 620 670 800
Volume (L) 70 70 150 270
Max. clearence (grip claws) 370 370 440 600
Suitable for machines 8-10 t 3-5 t 12-25 t 10-25 t
Weight (kg) 300 250 385 680


Operation principle

If both the machine and the Grab John bucket is equipped with the OilQuick system the attachment is connected to the machine while the hydraulics connects to the claws.


GJ Sve


GJ Brochure SWE

GJ Eng


GJ Brochure ENG
